7th Day

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SEA Teacher Project 4th Batch

August 13th 2017 is a Sunday

Hello everyone finally free time to take a rest from all the stuff activity ( i hope so like first what i think)

Hi this day i woke up so late because last night we came home at 10 p.m and we are getting tired because we allways walking to every where so relly really tired and next i woke up at 9.30 p.m and i do brunch for this day because i don't eat again but actualy i eat again at 2 p.m. This day i made a lesson plan which is this lesson plan realy different with my lesson plan so i shold study first for make a lesson plan, by the way i start making lesson plan at 12 a.m until 11 p.m and is not finished, so i will continue again my lesson plan tomorror, i hope so that's it story for this week and i don't take a picture anymore.


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